Houston Style – The Secret To Great Design
To say that Karl Voelkel chose architecture is an understatement. Truth be told, architecture really chose him.
In middle school Karl knew he wanted architecture in his life the moment his teacher asked him to draw a straight line along a triangle. In high school his archi-tecture teacher, Mr. John Patella, enabled Karl’s class to design and build an actual home. “After that experience, there was no looking back,” says Karl. “I’ve also had the privilege of being mentored by Mr. William B. Epps, Jr., who remains a good friend.”
More than 40 years later, Karl and his wife, Julie, can be found working alongside clients as they turn thoughts into detailed designs.
“When a house captures your attention, you know it was conceived by some-one who understands the secret of design.” Take a look at any of his homes, and you will instantly see that Karl holds that secret. “I’m incredibly passionate about what I do,” he says. “The outcome of my passion is an all-consuming commitment to design the perfect home for every client.”